Company Katfer supplies and sells handheld XRF analyzers and industrial scrap metal recycling equipment.

Portable dosimeters (radiation dosimeters) are used to detect and to measure the level of  exposure, when working in “unclean” environment. It’s a simple and convenient device that can help you in measuring radiation rays of different types (alpha, beta and gamma), X-rays and determine their source. The devices are widely used for determination of radioactive and nuclear particles.

Dosimeters have a high sensitivity to the exposure and solve a wide range of tasks for monitoring the radiation hazard at the workplace. Timely measurement allows to measure  the level of ionizing radiation present in the environment at a particular location: in the workshops, in the buildings, find the amount of natural or induced radiation present on the objects and items, clothes, surfaces, soils and even food. Dosimeter is a universal tool that allows to find out the level of exposure per one person.

Portable dosimeter will show the following information after analysis (the precise set of information displayed on the screen depends on the model): unit of measurement, accuracy, the threshold level and current time of measurement. The device has a spacious internal memory, which allows to store the results of analysis of an object or an environment. Moreover, portable dosimeter gives an opportunity to display data both the screen of the device itself and to transfer it to your PC (using Bluetooth).

Reliable tools with high accuracy will ensure timely monitoring of the exposure level anywhere you want.

Dosimeters can be used in a vast range of industries:

  • Metallurgy.
  • Scrap recycling.
  • Construction.
  • Sanitation and ecology.
  • Excavations.
  • Logging.
  • Wood industry.